
Pre-Listing Home Inspections
A pre-listing inspection, which is paid for by the home seller or listing agent, provides a written report as to the condition of the property. It could uncover any concerns that might compromise a sale. If you are thinking of putting your home on the market, give us a call!

11 Month Builder’s Warranty Inspection
If you missed out on having a full home inspection prior to closing, the next best time to get an inspection is before your builder’s one-year warranty expires. This type of inspection is the same as a full inspection, but this time, the homeowner has intimate knowledge of the home. We recommend this inspection 9-11 months prior to the 1-year expiration.

Pre-Purchase Home Inspections
The pre-purchase home inspection is an essential part of the transaction. The professional home inspector understands residential construction and offers consumers an expert opinion regarding the condition of a home's major systems and components before the purchase is made.

Radon Testing
Radon gas is an invisible, odorless gas that is produced by the normal breakdown of uranium in the soil. At the present time, it is estimated that 1 out of 15 homes in the United States have elevated radon levels. Thankfully, if elevated radon levels are detected and repaired, this cause of lung cancer is entirely preventable. Radon testing is easy, inexpensive, and doesn’t even require willpower.

Well Water Testing
If you are a private well owner, you are responsible for the quality of your drinking water and maintaining your well system. Regular water testing and well inspection are imperative in order to keep your water well operating properly and to ensure there are no contaminants so you always have a safe supply of drinking water.

Visual Lead Based Paint Testing
If you’re thinking of renovating your pre-1978 house, think carefully. Houses built prior to 1978 often contain lead-based paints, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has enacted strict laws to prevent toxic lead paint and residue from getting into the ground and water. Hire Patriot Home Inspections, LLC to test the paint in your home.